The science behind meditation, and why it makes you feel better
yields a surprising number of health benefits, including stress
reduction, improved attention, better memory, and even increased
creativity and feelings of compassion. But how can something as simple
as focusing on a single object produce such dramatic results? Here’s
what the growing body of scientific evidence is telling us about
meditation and how it can change the way our brains function.
Before we
get started it’s worth doing a quick review of what is actually meant by
meditation. The practice can take on many different forms, but the one
technique that appears most beneficial, and which also happens to be
among the most traditional, is called mindfulness meditation, or focused attention.
mindfulness, practitioners are asked to focus their thoughts on one
thought and one thought alone. An overarching goal is to be firmly
affixed to the present moment. This typically means concentrating on the
breath — observing each inhalation and exhalation — and without
consideration to other thoughts. When a “stray” thought arises, the
practitioner must be quick to recognize it, and then turn back to the
focus of their attention. And it doesn't just have to be the breath; any
single thought, like a mantra, will do.
Now, if
you’ve ever tried it, you know how unbelievably difficult this is —
particularly in this day in age when our attention spans are taxed to
the limit. Our minds are notorious at wandering and moving from
thought-to-thought; it’s hard sometimes to string just a few seconds of
focused attention together.
And indeed, notions that meditation is simply about relaxation or cleansing the mind of all
thoughts are common misconceptions. Meditation is hard work and it
takes a lot of practice to get better. The more you do it, the easier it
becomes to stay focused. Progress can be measured by how long a single
thought can be focused upon without straying.
for something so exceedingly simple, it can produce an astounding
number of health benefits. Eager to learn more, a growing number of
scientists are looking into the cognitive effects of meditation,
including studies on Buddhist monks. And they’re learning that
meditation is a very powerful tool indeed.
As a quick
aside, most of the studies cited here consider the benefits of focused
attention. That’s not to suggest that other practices, like open
attention, can’t yield positive results as well.
Changes to the Brain
have meditated for literally thousands of years. They’re familiar with
its positive effects, including the way it works to instill the inner
strength and insight required for the overarching spiritual practice;
meditation, or “sitting,” is to Buddhist monks what prayer is to
Christians. But instead of trying to hack into the mind of God,
Buddhists are trying to hack into their own mind to harness it under
Image: "Theologue" by Alex Grey.
But it has
only been in recent times that neuroscientists have been able to peer
directly into the brain to see what’s going on. The advent of fMRIs and
other brain scanning techniques have largely paved the way.
example, neuroscientists observing MRI scans have learned that
meditation strengthens the brain by reinforcing the connections between
brain cells. A 2012 study showed that people who meditate exhibit higher levels of gyrification
— the “folding” of the cerebral cortex as a result of growth, which in
turn may allow the brain to process information faster. Though the
research did not prove this directly, scientists suspect that
gyrification is responsible for making the brain better at processing
information, making decisions, forming memories, and improving
Indeed, as
much of the research is showing, meditation causes the brain to undergo
physical changes, many of which are beneficial. Other studies, for
example, have shown that meditation is linked to cortical thickness, which can result in decreased sensitivity to pain.
Or take the 2009 study with the descriptive title, “Long-term meditation is associated with increased gray matter density in the brain stem.”
Neuroscientists used MRIs to compare the brains of meditators with
non-meditators. The structural differences observed led the scientists
to speculate that certain benefits, like improved cognitive, emotional,
and immune responses, can be tied to this growth and its positive
effects on breathing and heart rate (cardiorespiratory control).
integrity of gray matter, which is a major player in the central nervous
system, certainly appears to benefit. Meditation has been linked to larger hippocampal and frontal volumes of gray matter,
resulting in more positive emotions, the retention of emotional
stability, and more mindful behavior (heightened focus during day-to-day
living). Meditation has also been shown to have neuroprotective
attributes; it can diminish age-related effects on gray matter and reduce cognitive decline.
A study from earlier this year
showed that meditators have a different expression of brain metabolites
than healthy non-meditators, specifically those metabolites linked to
anxiety and depression.
But it’s
not just the physical and chemical components of the brain that’s
affected by meditation. Neuroscientists have documented the way it
impacts on brain activity itself. For example, meditation has been associated with decreased activity in default mode network activity and connectivity
— those undesirable brain functions responsible for lapses of attention
and disorders such as anxiety, ADHD — and even the buildup of beta
amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease.
And finally, meditation has been linked to dramatic changes in electrical brain activity, namely increased Theta and Alpha EEG activity, which is associated with wakeful and relaxed attention.
Health Benefits
While most
of the studies listed above addressed the neuro-cognitive aspects of
meditation, other studies have correlated meditation with many of the
health benefits already described.
Perhaps the
most significant benefit of meditation is its ability to improve
attention. In 2010, researchers looked at participants who practiced
focused attention meditation for about five hours each day over the
course of three months (which is a lot!). After conducting concentration
tests, the participants were shown to have an easier time sustaining voluntary attention.
Which makes sense; if you can concentrate for extended periods of time
during meditation, it should carry over to daily life. Focused attention
is very much like a muscle, one that needs to be strengthened through
As an aside, five hours of meditation per day is a bit excessive. Other studies show that 20 minutes a day is all that’s required to get beneficial results, like stress reduction.
Indeed, other research has shown that even a little bit of meditation can help. Studies indicate that, after 10 intensive days of meditation
(pdf), people can experience significant improvements in mindfulness
and contemplative thoughts, the alleviation of depressive symptoms, and
boosts to working memory and sustained attention.
A not-so-surprising study from last year showed that meditation can significantly reduce stress after just eight weeks of training (pdf; more here).
Participants who meditated, as compared to those who did not, performed
better on stressful multitasking tests. This may have something to do
with reduced levels of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. And interestingly, meditating before a stressful situation may help reduce feelings of stress during the event.
For you creative types, open-monitoring (OM) meditation can promote idea generation.
OM meditation is basically the polar opposite of focused attention
meditation, requiring practitioners to non-reactively monitor the
content of experience from moment to moment.
And lastly, meditation has also been shown to increase levels of empathy,
but it has to come from a specific practice known as
loving-kindness-compassion meditation. It’s a kind of focused attention
meditation, but the practitioner is asked to concentrate on feelings of
love, compassion, and understanding. By comparing fMRI scans of novices
to those of expert Buddhist monks (each with more than 10,000 hours of
practice), researchers watched as emotional stimuli (sounds of people in
distress) caused those areas of the brain linked to empathy light up;
the monks exhibited greater degrees of empathetic response than the
novices. In turn, the scientists speculate that compassion meditation
can make a person more empathetic.
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